Virtual open day, sleepover and the performance

Virtual Open Day

Thank you so much Danielle, Craig and Shannon for helping to organise this event. I also want to acknowledge other parents like Liesel, Nikki and Belinda who also put time and effort into our Virtual Open Day, as well as all of the PnF parents who helped us present such a great day.

I was showing a teacher from Templestowe around the school this afternoon and she had watched our virtual open day from go to whoa and was very impressed with our message. I hear we’ve had over 900 hits now! That’s absolutely fantastic! The teachers all had a great time and the extra videos we made for the event are a great addition to our presence online. Let’s hope we can have another event at school next term with the children present as well.


Due to us still coming out of lockdown we have postponed the Sleepover until week two of term 3.

For those of you who are new, the children will sleep over at school in their classroom.

There will be a campfire, marshmallows and sparklers, and the year six students run a disco in the hall as well as The Village Idol – a talent quest extraordinaire which the children start practising for, well before the event.

Lockdown slowed down the preparation for this as well, so the year sixes will now have enough time to organize this, make the trophies etc.

The full-time preps are invited to sleep over if they wish and the part-time preps usually stay until after they’ve had a bit of disco and campfire etc and then go home. Talk to Laura if you have any queries about it.

The Play – which has still to be given a name!

I’d really like to have a production meeting with parents interested in helping out with costumes, sets etc for the school performance.

Could we meet on the first Tuesday back straight after school in the hall if you can help in any way? Not necessarily sewing, but helping organize which children have a costume and which children need one is the biggest help. We can usually source a lot of what we need from each other or op shops.


I’m hoping we can find a few animal onesies for the preps as there are five lions, two tigers, two meerkats, two zebras, 3 elephants and 2 leopards and a couple of reluctant preps who may or may not join us after they see what happens next term.

Melissa’s Group will all be super-heroes, totally their choice as to whether they are existing ones or ones that they create. Would love a parent from this group to coordinate this.

Five students in Samantha’s group are “Mythical Creatures” each of them have a good idea of what they want to look like, but we need a parent who can work with them to sort out what would work. They are not all the same.

When someone comes forward to oversee the lot I’ll present them with a complete list of characters – some of the older children are already sorting out their own costumes.

I hope you all have a very happy holiday time and I look forward to term three being a happy, productive and Covid-free experience for all.

Tanya 😊


Have a great start to Term 3